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My Music Journey

Since '09

I started rapping in 2009 after I found my cousin Drone's rhymebook. I had been saying that I was going to be a rapper but never actually did it. Once I found that rhymebook, those words and dreams came true. A couple of weeks later after finding the rhymebook, I slept over my cousin's place and I recorded my 1st verse. That was the beginning of it all and I haven't stopped since.

Back then, my only goal was to release music so I started uploading tracks on Myspace Music. Then the goal was about having my own equipment which I accomplished my junior year of high school. The next goal was to record a music video and I got the opportunity to record it right before I left to college in 2013. I kept accomplishing all these goals over the years but my biggest goal was to become famous so I could tour and win the awards. I wanted the rapper lifestyle. However, I tried to follow the artist blueprint to stardom for years but it never went anywhere. I tried the social media game and content creation to try and build a following but I burnt out. I stopped trying once I found myself caring more about the content than the art itself.

Now I just do music to tell my story and the story of my peoples. Less expectations and not chasing the money = fun. I started doing it because it was fun, it kept me off the streets, I could speak my mind, and it gave me purpose. I lost myself for years because I had lost sight of the vision.