Stories of a Lifetime

I was born to be a storyteller

Posted by Omar Mendez on


In late 2022 / early 2023, I started dealing with some mental health issues. I also started diving deep into Spirituality and the work of psychoanalyst Carl Jung. I was still on TikTok during this time and I saw a video that posed the question, "Who are you? Take away all your accomplishments, labels, etc. and who are you?" So I started thinking about the answer to this question. I slowly became a ghost in the world and began to retreat into The Ozone Layer. On one hand, I'm trying to get a grip on my mental health. On the other hand, I'm beginning my healing and spiritual journey. The 1st half of the year was tough but the 2nd half was full of surprises.



With all this time on my hand due to me quitting my job and disappearing from the world, I kept thinking about the question, "Who am I?". Carl Jung is famous for his work on the Self, the Ego, and the Shadow. I was exploring these concepts which led me to start journaling about my life, especially my childhood. This in turn led me to begin healing my inner child wounds. Everything was happening so fast because I had so much time on my hands and no social obligations to worry about.



Day after day I'm working on myself. I started looking at life differently and began to reflect a lot. I switched lanes and my desire to be "someone" began to fade. However, this left me with a question, "What is my mission on Earth?" I thought I had the answer but it wasn't clear anymore. The lifestyle that I sought wasn't attractive anymore. Now the question was, "Who am I and what is my mission on Earth?". That's when I started looking at myself and why I was interested in rapping, podcasting, livestreaming, etc. I saw a pattern emerge and that's when I said to myself, "What if I have been doing these things since I was a kid?" I started looking at my childhood for clues. From my elementary school years, to middle & high school, to college, and then my early to mid 20s.


My Power

I had a created a list, about 2 pages long, of events, skills, and interests from my life as evidence. It all made sense. I was born to be a communicator. I felt like I had discovered a new element in the periodic table. I was laughing and feeling moved. I then put on my scholarly hat and decided to do an experiment. I asked myself, "What if the homies looked into their past like I did? Will they find similar results?". The only issue was how I was going to break it down to them. That's when I decided to call it "Power" as in superpower because just like heroes, we all have powers. The way I explained it to them is as follows, "I feel like our mission on Earth is to find our power and use it." I figured that my power was the Power of Communication.



In late 2024, I went back to the drawing board. I was thinking that maybe my Power of Communication was just a starting point. I asked myself, "What if I could go more in depth with this concept? What if I specialize in a certain kind of communication?" Think about communication and how broad of a term that is. That's when another one of those realization moments hit me. I'm a storyteller. I love to tell stories and hear about other people's life story. That's my bread and butter. The Power of Communication with a Specialty in Storytelling. I now dedicate to tell my story and the story of those close to me through music, podcasting, vlogging, and other forms of communication.

